Pet owners engage in various activities with their dogs, like playing in the yard and riding in the car or walking around town and cuddling on the couch. We spend many moments with furry pals, and so it’s only natural to think that they’ll dine along with us, too. The food we eat, such as items that are safe for humans, may cause damage to dogs. Because dogs’ sizes are smaller than humans’, they can’t eat food that humans can. They’re also lighter, and consequently, their bodies can’t absorb food as rapidly. Certain foods are safe for humans but can be poisonous or harmful for dogs, creating the risk of severe health hazards.
How to Keep Your Dog Safe
Dog poisoning can cause various symptoms, including lethargy, vomiting, tremors, and even convulsions. If you suspect your dog has eaten any of the foods listed below, make a note of the amount consumed and your dog’s weight before contacting your local veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC24-hour) ‘s hotline for immediate assistance.
Common Toxic Food for Pets
You’re likely to be conscious that keeping the truffles from the reach of your pet is a wise choice. Cacao beans contain theobromine, an endocrine toxin that can lead to death for dogs if consumed. According to the experts, stomach cramps, intense thirst, shaking excessively, and vomiting may occur depending on the type of chocolate they eat (white milk and dark) and your dog’s weight. Theobromine poisoning is a serious risk when a large quantity is in the system.
Consider that the pet consumed chocolate within the past two hours. In this scenario, your vet will cause vomiting and give several doses of activated charcoal to assist in helping poisons go away without being absorbed into the bloodstream. In more severe instances, a vet’s intervention could involve giving additional treatments, like IV fluids or other medications to lessen the impact of poisoning. Also, dogs suffering from seizures might require monitoring at nighttime at the vet clinic.
Apart from poisoning, if your pet is suffering from dental issues because of excessive consumption of sweets, you can browse this website for dental care.
Raw/Undercooked Meat, Eggs, and Bones
Bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli are in raw eggs and meats. E. Coli is harmful to pets and humans. Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases biotin (a B vitamin) absorption, causing problems with the coat and skin.
Barebones may appear to be a natural and healthy option for your pet if they live in the wild. On the other hand, a household pet could choke on bones or suffer a severe injury if the bone splinters and becomes caught in or punctures your pet’s digestive tract.
When it comes to reducing the dangers of raw food, quality is crucial. It is the first thing to get fresh-smelling and fresh-smelling meats. Give your dog meat that has not been sitting out on the counter for an extended period to be sure of its freshness.
Then, make sure to follow the appropriate cleaning guidelines. The FDA advises against feeding dogs raw food; However, should you follow these guidelines:
- Keeping uncooked meat frozen until ready to use.
- Keeping raw meat and prepared food separate.
- Cleaning prep surfaces and meal bowls with soap and water are essential.
- Washing hands before and after handling meat.
Suppose furry parents seek assistance regarding eating raw food; they browse websites like for the best advice and consultation.
Raisins and Grapes
Researchers and other experts are looking for grapes and raisins that are detrimental to dogs. Numerous studies have shown that the amount you give your dog could harm its health. A small number of oatmeal raisin biscuits could cause kidney damage to your dog. Furthermore, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dehydration, and the impossibility of urinating are potential problems.
If you suspect that your dog was eating grapes or raisins, it is essential to make sure that they use the bathroom as soon as possible. If, however, your dog didn’t vomit the grapes or raisins, the best course to take is to see the advice of a vet. An extensive quantity of IV fluids for up to 36 hours would be the ideal alternative to decline the chance of injury to the kidneys. Also, when pet owners locate a variety of diagnoses and treatment options for internal medical conditions to assist their pet in recovering quickly, they search about animal internal medicine for updates.
You can also contact the toll-free American Society to Prevent Cruelty Animals, the poison control hotline. They have toxicologists with board certification who can determine the toxic dose of your pet. It is also better to take blood tests every six o eight weeks to track your kidneys’ functioning, which is the most critical problem with raisins.