How to Care for an Aging Pet

As we are aware, the aging procedure is not unique to us as people. All our fellow creatures grow older and expertise infancy, adolescence, adulthood, old age, and, inevitably, of course, death. We may not be aware of the numerous similarities between us and our fellow creatures because we experience the various stages of life and death.  In reality, however, we share much in common- to the point of undergoing similar infirmities, health issues, and illnesses in addition to physical and psychological limitations and challenges

It is estimated that in the United States more than 18 million puppies and 22 million cats are considered “elderly citizens”. When is a pet considered “old”? Because a companion animal can’t clarify her aches or pains, it’s advisable for your pet parent to carefully watch and pay careful attention to any physical or behavioral changes (however subtle) and to take her at least twice a year for a veterinary checkup. Early detection is the easiest way to treat canine or feline illnesses and diseases. Common health problems affecting older pets include: arthritis, cancer, diabetes, liver and kidney ailments, and thyroid problems. Indicators of health issues may be diminished activity, difficulty in getting up, walking, or standing, decrease in food and water intake, difficulty in breathing, incontinence, diminished hearing or sight, withdrawing or isolating instead of playing with or interacting with you or other household members, an increased amount of time sleeping, etc.

It’s great for pet parents to comprehend that our animal companions now have access to medical therapies and processes, which can help, preserve and improve their health and increase their longevity. Once available only to humans, arthritis medication, chemotherapy and radiation, organ transplants, hip replacements, and even pacemakers are available to our pets amongst other medications and treatments. Additionally, there’s a growing number of veterinarians specializing in ophthalmology, cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopedics, and other regions.

There are several strategies to assist your aging animal company. First and foremost are your continued love, dedication, and attention to him along with your concern for his general good health and well-being. Second, you can tackle her particular requirements by consulting with your veterinarian and determining what prescription and health protocols are best suited to her particular needs. Thirdly, make certain your older pet is eating meals suitable to his age, size, and health problems. Consult your vet before you consider switching to “mature” foods to ensure that he receives balanced nutrition without extra calories. Fourthly, keep him well exercised and aroused. Change his workout regime by his age and some other health issues he might have.

Other simple ways to better your old pet’s life would be to keep current in your pet’s vaccinations as older pets may be more vulnerable or susceptible to illness; supply proper dental services to prevent gingivitis and tooth reduction; once petting or grooming your pet take note of any bumps, sparks, parasites or sores; note some changes in burden (either loss or gain); notice any vibration, vibration or seizures; pay attention to any sign that he is experiencing pain. Click this link to learn more.

Your pet is loyal, true, and unconditionally loving. Respect him, because he grows older and treats him with as much tender loving care as you can provide. We can learn so much about the aging process from our animal companions as it imitates and mirrors our own in so many ways. Our animal companions are lifelong teachers and guides from whom we could learn a lot of profound life lessons.

Though your household vet is familiar with your pet and can accurately diagnose and treat many issues, some states need technical diagnostics and care to safeguard your pet has the best outcome and recovery.

Visit this emergency vet in Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists’ two places, our vet cardiologist offers state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures for the evaluation of heart conditions in cats and dogs.