5 Possible Reasons Why Your Pet Dog Is Going Deaf

Dogs can develop hearing loss due to damage to structures of the ear that regulate the transmission of sound. The loss of hearing could be caused by infections to the ear, antibiotics, and damage to these tissues.

As most animals depend on their other senses to succeed, dogs with hearing loss will not exhibit immediate signs of deterioration. A pet parent entering the house and shouting their pet’s name could be the first sign of hearing loss when the animal does not respond to sounds that usually alert them to the sound source.

Even if it’s because of age, you should take your dog to the doctor if you fear they’re getting deaf. In severe infections, the ears can turn extremely reddish and swollen. If antibiotic poisoning or trauma causes hearing loss, the signs may be more modest.

Causes of Hearing Loss in Dogs

People are often worried that their pets have hearing loss. However, the cause is treatable, or a normal part of aging, and the dog is not injured or killed most of the time. Deafness and hearing loss in dogs is discussed in this article. There are therapies to attempt with the help of your veterinarian.

1. Normal Aging

Sensorineural hearing loss is used to describe hearing loss. It is typically permanent and is caused by the loss or damaged sensory cells (hair cells) within the cochlea of the inner ear—a broken auditory nerve results in a loss of neural hearing, typically permanent.

Before blaming your pet’s hearing loss on “old age,” make sure you’ve ruled out all other possibilities. These other issues are usually easily treated if they are caught early and treated appropriately.

2. Ear Infection in Both Ears

Typically, a physical exam will reveal significant dirt inside the ear canal’s vertical. This dirt is then examined under the microscope. Bacteria or yeasts are the most frequently seen; however, the ear mites are rarely seen.

After the correct diagnosis is made, the best treatment for the illness may be chosen. Hearing loss is generally temporary and will improve with treatment when the infection has led to hearing loss. A dog with numerous ear infections might require various treatments, which usually entail flushing the ear and administering the appropriate medication.

3. Hypothyroidism or Low Thyroid Disease

Because thyroid hormones influence many-body systems, hearing loss is an unusual symptom of hypothyroidism. But, it’s essential to eliminate the possibility of thyroid problems in dogs with hearing loss. Each dog suffering from hearing loss should undergo tests for blood, including the complete analysis of the blood, an organ’s profile, and thyroid tests. Your pet’s oral health should be one of your priorities.

4. Cognitive Disorder

Hearing loss can arise due to a mental disease. Many senior dogs were also hypothyroid and experienced hearing loss. The thyroid supplements had a minimal impact on these dogs.

Phosphatidylcholine and antioxidants and fatty acids, Ginkgo biloba, and other nutrients help dogs suffering from cognitive disorders return to normal function. It is unlikely that a natural cure can be found because dogs with mental problems typically regress and become senile when medication discontinues. Visit a veterinary website like EastBayVetClinic.com for more details.

5. Organic Brain Diseases

Other signs and symptoms of organic brain illness for dogs, besides hearing loss, include depression, seizures, and alteration in the function of the cranial nervous system. Advanced imaging is essential for dogs to detect and treat the condition effectively. These causes of hearing loss are expensive and significant to identify and treat, although they are luckily uncommon. Visit a veterinarian to get information about cat vaccinations.